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Information of Foundation Departments
• Pinned Announcement •
Hiring All Ranks, High & Low
We are quite low on Level - 5s and O5 Council Members and we need YOUR help! YOU can change the game. We would love to have you as one of our leaders and mentors in our SCP game. All we wish is to have a fun SCP genre game that is unique in its own ways.
Join the Discord for applications and details.
Latest News
2/1/2024 • Hiring developers such as Builders and Logo Designers. Please refer to the Discord for more information.
11/9/2024 • Updated and redid SCP-F | NETWORK website pages to be more up-to-date and related to the newest topics at SCP:FN. We also redid the Code of Ethics, so please go check that out to get the latest news on new laws and regulations that have been passed.
[Older news has been archived. If required to know such, please DM a website developer.]